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Freehold Township Exterior Remodeling Contractor

Exterior Improvements is your partner in expert renovation and restoration services. As Freehold Township’s modern exterior improvement company, we transform your home to timeless appeal and enduring value. Work with a local, certified contractor that’s big enough to count on, small enough to care when it comes to:

  • Residential Roofing
  • Commercial Roofing
  • Siding Installation & Gutter Replacement
  • Windows and Doors
  • Storm Restoration

Comprehensive Freehold Township Residential Roofer

From roof replacements to new construction builds, our roofers have got you covered. As an Owens Corning Preferred roofing contractor, we’re trained to provide knowledgeable, friendly services for all types of roofing projects. With top products for asphalt shingles, metal roofs, flat roofs, solar installations, and more, we tailor the roofing experience to fit your home.

Trusted Freehold Township Commercial Roofing Contractors

We can easily customize your new roof with a wide assortment of flat and specialty roofing materials—but that’s just the beginning. Whether you’re looking to prioritize longevity, weather resistance, or customization, our options make it all possible. As a trusted commercial roofing company, we offer:

  • Manufacturer Warranties
  • Flexible Financing Plans
  • BBB-Accredited Service
  • Full-Service Roofing Solutions

Affordably-Priced, High-End Siding Installation

Your siding is your first chance to impress guests and neighbors. That’s why we offer a variety of stunning siding replacement styles that are equally durable and stylish. We are also a trusted gutter company that provides new gutters and gutter protection. By working with leaders in the siding installation industry, like James Hardie and CertainTeed, we provide plenty of top-rated options, including:

  • Fiber Cement Siding
  • Stone Façade Siding
  • Soffit and Fascia
  • Seamless Gutters

Freehold Township’s Window Replacement and Door Replacement Company

New windows and new doors offer a chance at an instant transformation. We’re certified to install a variety of exterior and entry doors that protect your home from the inside out, from brands like Andersen, Marvin, and Pella. Our window and door installations come with secure locking mechanisms, added energy efficiency, top style, and much more.

Expert Insurance Restoration Process

As a Freehold Township storm damage restoration team, we offer extensive storm restoration services at a budget-friendly price. Our efficient wind damage, hail damage restoration, and hurricane repair process covers everything you need, from complete inspections and professional repairs to site clean-ups and walk-throughs. Take advantage of our full-service repairs with insurance restoration referral programs, insurance claims assistance, and financing plan payments.

Start Your Remodel with a Free Quote!

Ready to begin your modern exterior remodel or restoration? Call the pros at Exterior Improvements to get started. We’ll provide you with a free price quote and help you schedule a professional home inspection!